Case Studies

Discover inspiring stories combining innovation and impact

Title Location Tags
Impact of temporary road blocks for a safer school environment Belgium - Mechelen bicycle | mobility | safety | traffic
Supporting Citizens for waste management City of Issy-les-Moulineaux waste
Use of data to support citizens during COVID-19 lockdown City of Issy-les-Moulineaux covid
Smartcard study in Shanghai
Vision Zero is Los Angeles
TEMA (Transport tEchnology and Mobility Assessment platform)
Safari Nijema – Analyzing informal mobility patterns with big data in Maputo (Mozambique)
MoveSmarter, The Netherlands
A data-driven approach towards the problem of illegal dumping of trash, Ghent (Belgium)
Datadriven placement of red letterboxes in Ghent (Belgium)
Pilsen Safe Roads
Impact of temporary road blocks (by road works or for a safer school environment) Belgium - Mechelen mobility | road block | road works
Analysing Flanders road safety campaign Belgium - Flanders ANPR | safety | traffic
Student housing localisation in Ghent Belgium - Ghent housing | students
Mobility solutions map during road works France - Issy-les-Moulineaux issy | roadworks | traffic
Improving mobility and modal shift through information and communication France - Issy-les-Moulineaux modal shift | roadworks | traffic
Predicting roadwork impact for better planning coordination Czech Republic - Pilsen roadworks | traffic
Efficient traffic planning and prediction Czech Republic - Pilsen planning | traffic
Traffic events map Czech Republic - Pilsen public events | traffic
Analysing Flanders road safety with a traffic accidents map Belgium - Flanders accidents | safety | traffic
Use big data to detect parking behaviour Belgium - Kortrijk Kotrijk | live data | parking | parking sensors | sensor | visualisation

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