Reduce roadworks impact on public
The aim of coordinated determination and authorization of roadworks and closures is primarily to minimize their impact on the public.
Accurately assessing the exact targeting of these impacts is very difficult. Nevertheless, coordination and verification of concurrent works itself can contribute to:
– minimize the time required for repairs
– appropriate timing to avoid its impacts (multiplication of impacts)
– appropriate determination of overpasses and traffic signs
– the complexity of the repairs so that it does not have to repeat it again
– saving money
The timely publication of planned work in the mid term to long term together with predicted traffic volumes will positively influence eg the following activities:
– timely adjustments of public transport routes and timetables
– the choice of new routes for logistics companies
– planning of own buildings in the case of infrastructure companies or builders
– planning your own modes of transport – commuting for work, use of public transport, …